
SCHC Health Campaigns

We are committed to quality by providing health campaigns that educate, empower and engage our community. Our health campaigns cover a range of topics, such as chronic disease prevention, mental health awareness, maternal and child health, and more. We partner with local organizations, schools, and media outlets to reach diverse audiences and promote healthy behaviors. Our goal is to improve the health and well-being of our patients and the public.


Protect yourself with the HPV Vaccine


HPV is a common virus that could lead to serious consequences.

What is the HPV Vaccine?

  • 2-dose vaccine if completed by the age of 15.
  • The age of the first dose is between 9 and 11.
  • The second dose is completed 6 months after the first dose.
  • The HPV vaccine can be given at the same time as the Tdap required for the 7th grade entry.

Get this done before school starts in Fall! Call (530) 246-5921 today to schedule your preteen for their HPV vaccine. We have walk-in appointments with our nurse available Monday through Friday.

The HPV vaccine is a cancer prevention. Preventing cancer is better than treating cancer.

Download the HPV Flyer (PDF)
Download HPV Vaccine FAQs (PDF)